To the Class of 2020!

May 1st, 2020

Hey gang,

Hope everyone is keeping well. We’re staying busy, and trying our best to keep spirits high from home.

Arkells heard that some 2020 grads have been using our song Years In The Making – which is a song about putting in the WORK – to commemorate their accomplishments at school. We’re feeling for all the new grads out there that are missing out on their end of year celebration with their family and friends. As part of Canada’s multi network “Stronger Together” broadcast – a massive fundraising effort in support of Food Banks Canada – Arkells wanted to honour grads through the story of shining star (and Arkells fan!), Ava Harrison, who’s finishing her degree this spring and just wrote her final exam. Following an elaborate rouse with her family, we wanted to surprise her with a serenade. Hear about her story and see the video here.

Huge love to all the grads out there. This song’s for you too.

To further get you grads in the spirit, we made a little Spotify playlist for you with some jams that celebrate your moment and your friends.

To the class of 2020! Congratulations.
